Character is something I seek – not only in myself but in those with whom I choose to work and socialize. The most successful entrepreneurs I know are those who seek to do their personal best. They have character: honesty, empathy, leadership, commitment, integrity, and more.
Recently, I heard an interview with Keith Ablow, MD, who is a well respected forensic psychologist and author. Here is the portion that got my attention:
“Folks are losing their center. They want not to be reminded of what they think and feel, but be conveyed away from it.”
What is disturbing to him?
“I had a little kids’ book I wrote. I sent it out to a few publishers and they bemoaned the fact – they said, ‘Gee, it seems like it has a message.’ I said, ‘Yea, it’s about empowerment.’ Well, books about messages right now aren’t selling.”
I have to agree. That is disturbing.
When someone steps up to make decisions, get things done and inspire people to follow, that is leadership.
When an employer gives personal assistance to an employee whose spouse is dying of cancer, that is community.
When an entrepreneur turns down work because the prospective client wants a kickback, that is honesty.
When a handshake is as good as a written contract, that is integrity. (I am not recommending that you forego written contracts!)
When we help someone in need because we believe that we are all called to care for each other, that is brotherly (or sisterly) love.
When we promise to love and honor someone for the rest of our lives, that is commitment.
Do you want to live in a world where character traits have disappeared? What a mess that would be!
The best way to encourage strong character traits is to grow them in our selves, live them each day, and share them with others in word and deed.
How will you exemplify strong character this week?
What admirable character traits do you want to develop within yourself?
Until we meet again,
The Entrepreneur’s Friend
The Entrepreneur’s Friend® is a registered trademark of Wheaton Consulting Group LLC. Photo credits: All photos were taken by Cynthia Wheaton and owned by Wheaton Consulting Group LLC except as noted. Coffee cup art by Jim Wheaton. Author support: Fellow authors from The Wrinklings and Light of Carolina Christian Writers Group.